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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Strategy Playing the Phoenix Scoring System of Lawn Bowls

Aero Bowls has proposed a different scoring regime for playing lawn bowls. A different scoring system immediately revolutionizes strategy and tactics.

In the Phoenix System which is designed for pairs play the lead bowler is provided ways to make points for the team that cannot be changed by the skip’s subsequent bowls. The second difference is that when an end is complete the scoring is similar to the game 4-3-2-1; 10 points are awarded for the closet bowl, 5 for the second closest, and 3 for the third closest irrespective of which team had the closest bowl. 

This Phoenix scoring system has the effect in essence of breaking each match into two parts. In effect, the leads play with one set of rules and then the skips play starting with the disposition of bowls from the leads’ play but their performance has a different set of rules.

In the portion of play between the leads there are two ways to score. When a bowl in its original course hits the jack it scores 3 points for that side. Since each lead delivers 4 bowls this provides a possibility of scoring up to 12 points each. Finally, the closest bowl to the jack after the lead bowls are completed scores 3 points. The leads’ part of the game is more strategic and less tactical. That is to say, what can be described as a good bowl has consistent, unequivocal characteristics. Good bowls are narrow, close, and behind the jack. 

Strategically it is useful for the lead bowls to finish close to the jack both to win the 3 points awarded for their closest bowl and to provide their skipper with the most advantageous starting position. However, it is even more important that lead bowls should finish behind the jack since jack movement is more likely with this scoring method. Both lead bowlers will favor bowling a bit narrow because that provides the opportunity to trail the jack for an extra 3 points. The rules reward bowls that cross the center line and finish behind the jack! 

When the skips' turn arrives, play is more tactical. That is to say, choosing an objective depends critically upon the particular disposition of bowls. If your lead has bowled anything short those bowls are essentially useless for scoring and maybe even more seriously damaging by blocking skip options. Even if your side holds shot, another close but short bowl may just provide the wicking assist that moves the jack backward. Even at the completion of the end scoring the shot bowl is less important with the Phoenix system. The 15 points scored having the shot bowl are easily matched or bettered if the other side can win the 2nd and 3rd best (8 points) along with some touchers (3 points each).

Unlike in the classic game, one does not need to worry about giving away shot when competing bowls are close to the jack because having shot bowl does not guarantee to outscore your opponent in the end. Instead trying for another toucher that will at least finish as another close bowl is likely the best tactic. In any case, the end is unlikely to lead to a large swing in the score.

Strategically, Phoenix scoring seems to discourage short ends. Because the game is played with no dead ends, a jack that is driven out of bounds will be respotted centered 2 meters from the forward ditch, and since the leads are encouraged to play their bowls somewhat longer and because the bowl that has displaced the jack will either finish long or often alive in the ditch and because the bowl that has displaced the jack may have scored 3 points as a toucher, more heavy shots can be expected from skips in this format. Having last bowl will be more important and consequently, the side with the mat (and bowling first) will not want to give their opponent a short end that can more easily be attacked.   

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Lawn Bowls Ramp


For several years now I have been looking for a place to purchase a lawn bowls ramp. Recently I saw one on the lawn bowls Youtube video, “Lawn Bowls for Fun” from Alec Sharman. Apparently, it belongs to the Camberley and District Indoor Bowling Club. I provide a screenshot from Alec's video edition #23.

I have asked Alec about the provenance of this machine and he is making inquiries but it is unfair to put all the burden on him. I am hopeful that one of my own blog readers can help.

I want to use such a device to introduce new bowlers to the concept of bias. Using it, they will immediately recognize that the curving of the bowl is not some sort of ‘English’ twist that is applied by the bowler. Furthermore, I will be able to illustrate that the same angle of delivery can be used from wherever the mat is placed; whether at the T or close to the hog line and the same angle of delivery can be used whether it is a short or long jack.

If you know how one could acquire such a device please provide some information in the comment section.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

What Confidence Looks Like Playing Bowls

"You can do what you believe you can do?"

I can’t buy this statement,  if this means something like, “I know I will bowl a resting toucher with my next bowl” I would be kidding myself. I’m trying to send a lie to my subconscious. 

Instead, if the statement means that I know that I might deliver a resting toucher with my next bowl, then it is trivial. Even a tyro bowler has a finite possibility of rolling a perfect bowl. Lawn bowls is not a sport like track and field where no one can deliver a world-class delivery without preparation. The tyro is physically capable of doing it. Sometimes it will happen. In bowls, it is consistency that sets the expert apart— not any single shot. 

The corollary seems more likely to be true: you cannot do what you believe you can’t do. Yes, yes- so true, so true. If you visualize failure, you will enable it. If you visualize success, you enhance that possibility.

So how does the confident bowler think? And how does that thinking get expressed in action? 

When the confident bowler delivers consecutive bad bowls or has a streak of garbage bowls, (s)he doesn’t question the delivery; doesn’t ask secretly, “What am I doing wrong?” (S)he doesn’t call upon him(her)self to bear down or concentrate more.

Instead, for the confident bowler, it is obvious that something external has intervened. Something just ‘happened’ and there is no reason to get upset or disturbed.  To the confident bowler, the misfortune that has happened is most likely due to factors beyond the bowler's control, and most likely these factors can as easily disappear as persist. The last bowl doesn’t affect the present bowl. The deviation could have been the green or the wind or a change in temperature. So of course take these into account, but your delivery can be the same; the same relaxed, smooth, step and swing.

The confident bowler never ‘fixes’ a delivery because ‘fixing’ means making a conscious adjustment from the previous execution. The confident bowler visualizes what is wanted, corrects any deviations from expectations about the environment, and bowls that same groovy delivery with every expectation of a good result. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Cataract Surgery Will Improve Your Lawn Bowls


I am 75 years old and the sharpness of my eyesight has been slowly deteriorating. As with so many people, I was told I needed cataract surgery on both eyes. My ophthalmologist said to tell her when I thought would be a good time. With the pandemic and the consequential reduction in lawn bowls activities, I said I was ready. In this last month, I have had both operations. The second eye was done just over a week ago.

Today I went to James Gardens LBC which has an outdoor carpet that keeps it playable. The temperature was 12℃ and the sun was unobstructed. I wore a jacket, but I perspired. My vision in both eyes is now 15/20 ( that is better than 20/20). Everything is brighter and sharper but the most noticeable effect is on my estimation of distance. I practiced playing a game of ‘jacks wild’ alternately delivering two different colored sets of my bowls. My weight control seems noticeably improved.

Bowlers— if you need a cataract operation get it now— practicing while you can’t see properly is a waste of your time and a personal frustration! 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Lawn Bowling Practice Game: Jacks Wild

 The Covid-19 Inspiration

Covid-19 restrictions have led lawn bowling clubs to organize play only on alternate rinks. This means there is essentially no interference with those on an adjacent rink when playing to off-center jacks. This in turn has made it possible to enjoy a new modified lawn bowls game which I have christened “Jacks Wild.” 

The Game

The game is designed to practice lawn bowling skills that are not given adequate attention during more common practice regimes. At the same time, it provides exciting competition between the participant players.

“Jacks Wild” is played using two jacks and eight bowls from two sets. It can be played as solitary practice in which a single player provides two sets of preferably matched bowls. When two people play together they use their own sets and deliver their bowls alternately. The object of the game, as in regular bowls, is to score points by delivering your bowls close to one of the jacks. Bowls that finish outside the rink are removed. Other rules analogous to regular bowls apply.

Each player delivers the jacks in alternate ends hence each player delivers jacks in only one direction on the rink. The player who starts the game places the mat centered and covering the T and delivers one after the other the two jacks. Each jack must finish within the designated rink space but one must be to the left of the center line and the other to the right. Each jack can finish anywhere on the rink that would be acceptable for a regular bowls game so long as each is on its designated side of the rink. In this game/exercise, however, neither jack gets centered. The jacks are played toward at the spots where they finish. This means that jacks may even be close to the boundary lines or closer than two meters to the end ditch. This is why it is a good thing that Covid-19 is forcing us to have an empty rink between those that are being used! Otherwise, playing to jacks close to the boundaries could inconvenience other bowlers on adjacent rinks.

The player who has delivered both the jacks then delivers the first bowl trying to get as close as possible to whichever jack (s)he announces that (s)he will play towards. Then the second player uses a first bowl attempting to get close to the other jack. The two players then each get a second chance to deliver a second bowl towards their same targets. This simulates the normal bowls game in that each player gets a second bowl to correct on a first delivery.

The player who started the end delivering the jacks then delivers a bowl towards the other target not previously bowled at and the second bowler follows playing towards his/her new target. Each player then gets a chance to correct their deliveries towards each one’s second target. 

Bowls that finish closer to the jack that was not the intended target of that bowl are removed from play immediately; otherwise, confusion may arise in the scoring.

If, during play, one of the jacks is displaced bringing one or more of the bowls intended for the other jack closer to it, the bowls so changed, become part of this different head. 

To further avoid confusion, if a jack upon delivery finishes less than 2 meters distance from the other, the player who did not deliver these jacks can separate them by two meters by moving either one away from the other along the straight line that would run through the two of them.

 A tally is determined for each head and the net result is scored as the result of the end.

This is all repeated coming back on the green but this time the player who delivered the jacks and played the first bowl plays second.

The game is played to a predetermined number of ends.

Benefits of the Game

This game is much more difficult than the regular lawn bowls game.  Because the jacks are not placed on the center line, the aim lines change in every end. Furthermore, there is a forehand line and a backhand line that needs to be discovered for each of the two jacks. Because each participant only gets two bowls to deliver towards any one jack position, the pressure to get the proper correction for that second bowl is intense. In this respect, this is good practice for what is demanded in a regular game of fours.

Because the conditions change so quickly, the importance of having a rigid pre-delivery routine is multiplied. There are no extra chances. Full concentration is required for every delivery.

Because the game is so demanding the mat positions are fixed over the Ts. To make the game, even more, demanding the person delivering the jacks can be allowed to move the mat as in a regular game!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Bowling on Heavy Greens can Test your Delivery Mechanics


Two of the lawn bowling clubs to which I belong have extremely heavy greens this season. One needs to be an athletic bowler indeed to deliver a bowl from T to T. Whereas under a more normal condition one might have an aim line that runs from the center of the mat to the forward boundary marker, the present heavier conditions reduce bias so much that the line more typically runs to a spot on the forward bank about midway between the rink number and the same boundary marker— only half as wide.

Although this heaviness decreases the enjoyment of social competition, it is rather useful for practice.  The reason—when you need to deliver a bowl with more weight, it dramatically exaggerates deficiencies in the mechanics of your delivery.

Let us say, for example, your delivery throws your body out of balance, this will be even more pronounced when you are forced to roll with more weight. Similarly, if either your backswing or your follow-through is poorly grooved, this will show up as increased wildness when you are forced to throw harder.

At the same time, you need to be aware of two caveats that pertain to practicing on a heavy green. First, be more critical of your results because with the reduced bias being exhibited by bowls under these heavier conditions even when you miss your line by quite a bit the deviation in terms of distance from the jack will be much less. The track of your bowl will be straighter than usual. Second, don’t get excited by what seems to be an improved weight control; the heavy green will be stopping your bowls faster and make weight control unnaturally easy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Reaffirming David Bryant’s Secret for Line & Length at Bowls


Some ideas are useful. A few ideas are extremely useful. The “few” can get tangled up and hidden in the “some”! The Greenbowler blog’s objective is to bring forward suggestions for how regular bowlers with ambitions to excel can speed up the process and avoid wrong thinking.

Some time ago I drew my viewers' attention to a lawn bowls instructional video presented by David Bryant and pointed readers toward a small section where Bryant explains precisely what he is doing when he sets himself on the mat and gets ready to deliver his bowl. You can call up that blog article here and that blog provides a link to the actual Bryant video.

I said then and I repeat with more emphasis and more evidence now that I have found that the procedure Bryant teaches enabled me, today, at the Willowdale Lawn Bowling Club, to improve both my line and my length control in a practice session to an astonishing degree.

I thus elevate his teachings to one of the few extremely useful ideas!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Gaining an Advantage by Noting the Margins of your Lawn Bowling Rink


A skip can get some helpful hints to guide match strategy by examining the two meters of green closest to the front and rear ditches on the rink assigned for play. This applies particularly to club play where the tending of the green is less scrupulous than for greens that host open, bigger-money tournaments.

At some clubs, the rink margins slope so severely towards the ditches that it is difficult to stop a bowl from ditching once it approaches these edges. When this is the case, you can only play a normal game using short or medium jack lengths. If you do secure a long jack, short bowls are no longer so disadvantageous because the number of bowls behind is going to be lower.

At my Etobicoke club in Toronto, in an effort to regrow the strip at the edge of the green, the greenskeeper has left it longer than the main central portion. Consequently, there is a distinct slowing down of both jacks and bowls as they enter this fringe and many fewer jacks or bowls run over into the ditch. Skips could use this to improve the chances for many shots by moving the mat up the green for their medium and short jack lengths so that the jack is spotted for these lengths two meters from the front ditch. Thereafter the whole team can confidently deliver bowls behind the jack with reduced risk of losing them in the ditch. If the opposition does not recognize the situation they will likely end up with more short bowls!

An even more common situation is to find greens where the edging material (either metal or wood strip) that supports the grass at the edge of the ditch has become elevated above the grass surface creating a lip that inhibits and frequently stops bowls from falling into the ditch. Such a condition is particularly good at preventing jacks delivered long from dropping off the green. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Magic of Finding a Distinct Stare Point to Control Bias at Bowls


Writing a blog about lawn bowling brings one back over and over to the same subjects- things I have talked about before. But these are so important and yet in my own practicing I find I lose sight of their importance and fall into those same bad habits and then wonder why I have a streak of bad bowling.

So when I let something important slip I assume that the same can happen for my readers and perhaps it is worth a reminder.

Here in Toronto Canada, the lockdown is ending and bowling clubs are opening their greens for practice alone and for singles. There are still lots of precautions even though most of the bowlers who are going to show up have been fully vaccinated.

I was out on the outside carpet at James Gardens LBC today. It was lovely sunshine and I was safely alone, locked inside the fence-enclosed green. I had just received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine that very morning.

My weight control was good but my line control was appalling. What was going wrong? As it turned out I was having trouble holding my stare point. Earlier in the season, the green had been dotted with maple seeds so it was easy to pick a visible stare point. Now, they had all been blown away into the ditches, and because the carpet is so consistently uniform I was having trouble picking out some physical discontinuity to use as a stare point.

This reminded me that I had already written a blog teaching how, if one had control of the mat, one could place it at a distance up the green so that some remaining distinctive spotting could become a visible stare point. When I did this and combined it with a complete pre-delivery routine good bowling magically returned! 

Controlling Length from the Shooters’ Stance

At lawn bowls controlling the weight of your shots is both the most important and the most difficult skill. I have had more success doing this when I deliver my bowls from the shooter's stance. Recently while practicing I realized that because the shooter’s stance allows one to observe the extent of one’s backswing you can check it during a practice swing immediately before delivering a bowl.


 (i) a clearly visible stare point

(ii) a calibrated backswing 

(iii) making sure that one’s advancing foot is firmly planted before the forward swing begins and

(iv) keeping your follow-through  rigidly consistent

 gives one excellent control over the length a bowl travels. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Using a Different Order of Play in Lawn Bowling Triples


I have always felt that on a triples team, I would like the second most skillful bowler to deliver the jack and the lead bowls. A skip has considerable latitude to reassign the duties of the bowlers on his team to achieve this, although it is rarely exercised.


Who must rake the bowls is not specified in the Laws of the Sport of Bowls. This job can be assigned by the skip to his vice. According to Rule 40.2.1 “...the third can (my italics) measure any and all disputed shots.” Since the word can is used, the skip can assign this job to his lead if he chooses. “[A] player who is controlling play” is referred to in Rule 12.1.3 but that player is not designated as a person who occupies a particular position in the order of play. It follows that a skip could assign the lead to control play at any time but in particular when the skip goes to the mat.

It is thus possible for a skip to have his most experienced colleague place the mat, deliver the jack, deliver the first three bowls for the side, control play when the skip is bowling, and measure to determine the score; while leaving the less skilled or less experienced bowler to rake the bowls and deliver the fourth, fifth and sixth bowls for the side!

There are several less obvious advantages to this arrangement. Since the lead is more experienced than the vice in this situation, this experience can be used to determine which is the more playable side of the rink and communicate this to the less experienced colleague. Another fact that can be passed on is whether a particular side is narrower or wider than normal.

This order of play gives the better of the first two bowlers on the team the least hindered approach to the jack and the chance to get a close bowl early to put pressure on the opposition. Since your second best bowler delivers the jack there is much better control of jack length for the team’s strategy and the deliverer of the jack has a better feel for the length of the end. The lead can remind a less experienced colleague that the jack is short, medium, or long and whether the green is fast or slow. 

There are disadvantages. If this newly selected lead fails to get close bowls, it becomes more likely than before for the side to be seriously down by the time the skip comes to the mat. Because your weakest bowler is now bowling second (s)he may face a less open head. The chance of playing a successful running shot is reduced.

The aforementioned order of play is particularly attractive for a team that comprises an experienced pairs team joined by a less experienced bowler. This is even more appealing if the experienced pair has a set of well-developed hand signals for communicating between head and mat. It might also appear to appeal to a mens’ pairs team augmented with a female in order to qualify for mixed triples. However, it is tactically important that the lead would be well advised to deliver jack lengths and choose mat positions that optimize the play of the less experienced, second player.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Measuring in Close Disputed Ends at Lawn Bowls

General Points

In social games it is a kindness to offer to do the measuring if you observe that your opponent is having difficulty; however, do not be insistent. Many players take offense if you imply that they are not physically capable.

Thirty seconds after the last bowl in an end has been played, any player from either team can wedge any bowl that may fall before the count is complete. The wedge can be anything that comes to hand. No bowl can be wedged until 30 seconds after the last bowl has stopped rolling because either team’s skip or a player in singles play can request such a delay before counting begins to give any tilting bowl a chance to fall. 

When the points are critical it is best to call for assistance. If you try to measure and disturb the jack or any bowl potentially affecting the count, the other side will be entitled to reposition the disturbed wood where they feel it was located. Additionally, if an actual umpire is available, better measuring equipment can resolve even very close cases.

If the competing teams are going to do their own counting the following apply. 

Shot in Dispute

The side with the single closest bowl is the only side that can score in an end, so first, the shot bowl must be decided. To determine who holds that bowl, either side can do the measurement but as a matter of bowling etiquette, that person should measure their own candidate first. If there are more than two candidates for shot-bowl, it makes sense for the side with the fewest such candidates to measure since that will end up being the most efficient. For example, if one side has a single bowl that might be shot while the other side has two such candidates, it is necessary for the side with only the single candidate to measure their bowl first and compare its length to each of the other side's two bowls so that a decision can be made with only a single stretching of the string measure. However, the Laws of World Bowls say nothing about who should do the measuring; so based on the rules, either side may measure.

Shot Not in Dispute

If the shot bowl is not in dispute, the scoring side may ask for additional shots. These additional shots are each either conceded or the side asking for these additional shots will require that a measure be made. The measurement is normally made by the side which does not have the shot bowl but that side might occasionally refuse to do this measuring. This usually arises when such further deciding is, in their eyes, obvious and no further measuring is required. In this case, the side asking for more shots will need to make the measurement.   The side asserting entitlement to more points must, in the end, make its own case!  In every situation, the side not taking the measure may ask for the opportunity to confirm the measurement themselves. Each shot must be agreed to or appealed to an umpire.

In measuring at lawn bowls there is a rule of etiquette already alluded to that the person doing the measuring must measure his/her own bowl first. Wherever I have looked on the internet the word ‘must’ in this pronouncement is in capitals so the admonition seems to be very strongly held. What is the reason for this emphatic rule, I wonder? The Laws of World Bowls is silent. 

The side that is not doing the measuring in any end can elect to remeasure at the time a decision on a particular bowl is being made. Once a decision has been agreed concerning any particular bowl however that bowl is removed from the head. Either side can at any time call for an umpire to decide concerning any bowls that have not been already agreed upon.

Since in contentious heads where several bowls from each side are possible counters, such that quite a few measurements may be needed, the side that can win the additional points should do the measuring work. 

A History of Lawn Bowls


As a service to my audience and as a compliment to the author, J. P. Munro, I am reproducing a history of the Henselite Bowls Company that comprises a history of lawn bowls in general.



The Late J. P. MUNRO
(Noted Bowls Historian and former Hon. Secretary of the
Royal Victorian Bowls Association)

Are you wondering why we used the word "Romance"? Do you think that kind of word seems out of place associated with something prosaic like "Manufacture"? It's the right word! This is a story along classical lines-a story of triumph, of initiative, persistence and skill, of devotion to a cause. This is a story with no ending, but one that without an ending has brought happiness, enjoyment and relaxation to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Unless this story could be written, the magnificent game of bowls, despite its rich tradition in history, would without doubt still be outside the grasp of the greater proportion of those to whom it has come to mean so much. This is a "Romance" right enough, a story of a success that has earned the gratitude of the whole international bowling fraternity.

Nobody knows when the era of wooden (lignum-vitae) bowls began in England, but it goes back many centuries. The island of San Domingo in the West Indies (where lignum-vitae comes from) was discovered by Columbus on December 3rd, 1492, so it is definite that the timber was unknown in England at that time. Lignum-vitae was introduced to Europe by the Spaniards in 1508, and it was probably brought to England by Sir Francis Drake either from the West Indies direct, or after being taken from the cargo of Spanish ships captured by him. Drake had equipped his ship, "The Pasha", with bowls and quoits for the recreation of his crew whilst resting on an island in the Gulf of Darien. Most probably the bowls were of lignum-vitae, and made by his ship's carpenters whilst waiting in the harbour at Plymouth during preparation for the voyage.

However, lignum-vitae became the popular timber for bowls manufacture in England and Scotland, by such makers as John Jacques & Son (established 1795), Thomas Taylor (1796), Peter Boardman & Sons (1850), William Lindop (1855), R. G. Lawrie Ltd., F. H. Ayres Ltd., Bussey & Co. Ltd., the Taylor-Rolph Co., Slazengers Ltd., and others. Several of these firms still produce wooden bowls, although in recent years there has been a change in manufacture to composition bowls. The conversion of players in the British Isles from wooden bowls to composition bowls is a gradual but inevitable process. It has been recently estimated by a leading authority in England that the majority of wooden bowls will disappear from the greens in the next decade.

Bowling was first introduced in Australia when the early colonists, who had learn the art of bowling in England brought bowls with them. They played on a green built alongside the Beach Tavern at Sandy Bay, Hobart, in 1844. Perhaps there was something wrong with the concept of making a bowling green an adjunct to a bar, rather than a bar an adjunct to a green, because hotel greens which were equipped with imported wooden bowls appeared and disappeared in some numbers between 1844 and 1864. It might be said that bowling as an established sport really commenced in Australia when, in 1864, Alcock & Co., Russell Street, Melbourne, turned several sets of lawn bowls from lignum-vitae skittle bowls for the newly formed Melbourne Bowling Club.

In 1867, at Parramatta, New South Wales, Thomas Eddes turned for Alexander Johnstone the first set of bowls used in New South Wales. In 1869 David Johnston was in business as a bowls manufacturer at 29 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, and on the opposite side, at 34 Latrobe Street, E. C. Johnston, a billiard table maker, included bowl manufacturing as one of his activities.

English and Scottish makes of lignum-vitae bowls continued to be used in Australia until the first decade of this century, when a few sets of composition bowls, imported from England, appeared on the greens. The material and shape of the bowl was unsatisfactory, and consequently they were not popular on the Australian greens. About this time the sport began to feel the impact of a man destined to radically revolutionise the game of bowls-the man who, without doubt, Sir Francis Drake would select from everybody associated with the game as his First Mate- William David Hensell. He was to be associated with the development work in bowls manufacture for a brilliant 61 years -the period during which bowls became a fully matured internationally accepted sport.

William David Hensell was born in Richmond, Victoria, on January 2nd, 1882, and was educated at the Albert Park Stat School. At the age of 16 he was apprenticed to the wood-turning trade, but two years later (in 1900 to be exact) he transferred to Alcock & Co., billiard table manufacturers, then located in Russell Street, Melbourne. There he was taught the art

turning billiard balls, his tutor being Mr. W. J. Wood, who was a bowler and later on, the official bowls tester under Alcock & Co., who had been appointed by the Victorian Bowling Association on August 21st, 1901. Young Hensell was diligent and eager to learn, and his skill in turning the billiard ball was to help him later on when the turning and re-shaping of wooden bowls came into his hands. The game of bowls was making headway in Australia, but the wooden bowls then used were not stable, and they frequently required re-testing and re-biasing, particularly as a minimum bias bowl had been adopted by the Victorian Bowling Association.

Alcock & Co., of Melbourne, were appointed official testers to the Western Australian Bowling Association in 1902, and young Hensell was sent to Perth to do the testing, and there he remained for nearly seven years. It was during this formative period, without doubt, that his plans, later to revolutionise bowls production and the game itself, took their embryonic form.

Testing in those days was very primitive when the methods and equipment used today are considered. The equipment consisted of an ordinary billiard table, twelve feet long, with a wooden chute about two feet in length, with sufficient elevation to propel the bowl nine feet along the testing table, the slate bed of which was covered with billiard cloth only. The table gave only a crude indication of the bias of the bowl; and this caused quite a lot of concern because some bowls drew well on the green, but failed to pass the test for bias on the table, and vice versa.

In 1908 Alcock & Co., who were also the official testers for the New South Wales Bowling Association, lost the services of their tester, and the company transferred W. D. Hensell from Perth to Sydney. There he developed the first 36-foot testing-table, which was a big improvement on the 12-foot table, but it was still not perfect. Because of climatic conditions the wooden bowls shrunk out of their round shape, causing them to wobble, and to run very inconsistently when played on the green and when tested on the table. Realizing that the obvious way to correct these bowls was to re-shape them, W. D. Hensell designed and perfected the first Australian machine to successfully re-shape shrunken and badly shaped bowls.

With this achievement, table testing became more of a success, but the technique of biasing and defective bowl correcting had still not been mastered, although considerable progress had been made in that direction. Bowlers could not appreciate the difficulties that at that time militated against good bowling. There, certainly, was the incentive and the opportunity for William Hensell to do something positive and constructive.

The battle against inaccuracy hadn't yet been won, but W.D. Hensell had started the long struggle destined to ultimately produce today's modern accurate, precision-built Henselite bowl.

At this time many new composition materials were being tried; they were relatively stable and free from many of the disadvantages of lignum-vitae. W. D. Hensell spent most of his spare time studying literature in connection with compositions. Eventually he came to the conclusion that vulcanite (hard rubber) was the most suitable composition available at that time for bowl manufacture.

Returning to Melbourne in 1918, W. D. Hensell was fortunate to meet Mr. Roberts, Works Manager of Dunlop Rubber Co., a keen bowler, who had brought his wooden bowls along for re-testing. This was a grand opportunity to exploit the ideas he had conceived, and after he explained the many advantages a hard rubber bowl would have over wood, and the potential demand for such a bowl, Mr. Roberts became impressed and responsive to Mr. Hensell's enthusiasm. As a result, after many experiments a round Ebonite ball approximately 5" diameter was produced, turned and made into a bowl.

When tested on the table, however, it was found to have an eccentric action, being heavier on one side, which caused it to be out of balance. Further experiments and more care produced twelve consistent rubber balls. They were turned into bowls - the twelve tested perfectly - AND RUBBER, BOWLS, THE FIRST IN THE WORLD, WERE BORN. It was obvious that the concept of a hard rubber bowl had become a reality and that sufficient progress had been made to justify the making of moulds and equipment for the manufacture of these new bowls.

In June, 1918, Mr. Hensell terminated employment with Alcock & Co., to start a business of his own at 386 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne, where he had fitted up the latest and most reliable testing-table and turning plant. Little did he imagine when he was so busy building his testing-table and acquiring plant, that he was on the threshold of a business career during which he would achieve his ultimate ambition -that of making the best bowl in the world, "Henselite", and being the largest manufacturer of lawn bowls.

The Dunlop Rubber Co. made arrangements with Mr. W. D. Hensell to turn, bias, and finish all their rubber bowls, after the company had moulded them. Before the end of 1918 the first vulcanite or ebonite bowls in the world were being used -and with success-on Victorian greens. Their advent created considerable interest and started a controversy as to the merits of the two types of bowl-the wooden and the composition. However, bowlers soon realized the many advantages of the composition bowl, and a change-over took place almost immediately, many leading players seeing fit to discard their old woods for the new rubbers. During the period from 1918 to 1924 the rubber bowl became so popular that the importation into Australia of lignum-vitae (wooden) bowls completely ceased, and Australia became an exporter of bowls.

In the early days of rubber bowls many problems had to be solved. Causing major concern was internal variation in the specific gravity of the rubber compound. This made it difficult to obtain the exact required weight for each size of bowl. The solution to the problem was to "load" the core of each bowl to the required weight and then cover it with a high quality ebonite.

As the game grew in popularity so did W. D. Hensell's business, and larger premises were necessary. Moves were made first to 347 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, then to 9 Cobden Street, North Melbourne, and in 1937 to the present location at 16-22 Wreckyn Street, North Melbourne. These premises have since been enlarged, more adjacent properties bought, and in 1960 an additional storey was built on to the original building to provide a large modern suite of offices as well as to expand production area.

Further properties were bought and new showrooms, offices and warehouses built in 1979 which allowed for further expansion of the production area and the Australian distribution of other sporting goods.

To achieve greater accuracy in the biasing of rubber bowls, it became necessary to revise many of the table-testing ideas. Improvements were made to the testing chutes, and the bed of the table was covered with a special billiard rubber, and a canvas, to give the same speed as that of a good running bowling green. With these improvements bowls could now be tested for both bias and balance (a new development which proved to be the most revolutionary innovation ever adopted for table testing). For the first time bowls could be accurately tested on the table under conditions similar to playing conditions on a green, whether fast or slow.

Contrary to the belief of many bowlers-and particularly those of the younger generation-the bias of a bowl is not brought about by extra weight on one side of the bowl, but by the shape of the crown or running surface, which is slightly higher on the non-bias side.

The faster a bowl is delivered the straighter it will run. As a bowl loses momentum, because of the shape of its crown, the bowl gradually changes its running surface, and the bias takes effect. Eventually it reaches its maximum draw as the bowl slows down and comes to rest.

Many modifications to the shape and crown of the bowl were made until it was improved to such an extent that it was more comfortable to hold than the old-fashioned wooden bowl. With these improvements the death knell of the old wooden bowl was sounded in Australia, as the performance of the new bowl was far superior.

The Australian Bowling Council's Laws of the Game then in force, permitted a maximum weight of (3 Ibs. 8 ozs.) (1.6kg) irrespective of the size of the bowl. Bowlers were quick to take advantage of the improvement in bowls and soon realized they could successfully use a much smaller bowl of heavier weight. With the old wooden bowl, if a reasonable weight were required, bowlers had to procure a large "pudding shape" set, which were too big for comfortable delivery or for reasonable control.

The Australian Bowling Council acted quickly and in 1922 appointed a bowls testing committee of four (Messrs. E. W. Walker, J. B. Grut, W. Barr of Victoria, and A. Moore, of Queensland), with Mr. W. D. Hensell as Technical Adviser, to thoroughly investigate this matter along with other problems. After months of experiments and tests carried out under various conditions on both tables and greens of all speeds, the committee made recommendations to the Council specifying bowls of standard shape, and a scale of maximum weights for each size. They also determined the minimum bias suitable for Australian conditions.

The Council approved, and the new scale of weights and measures came into operation on January 3rd,1926. Although the reforms seemed very drastic, a standard had been set, which was adopted by the New Zealand Bowling Association in 1938, and by the International Bowling Board in 1946 in a modified form to suit climatic conditions. It is obvious now that these reforms were based on broad understanding and vision; they were exactly what were required to stabilise the situation.

(In 1962, the International Bowling Board specified that the maximum weight of a bowl shall be 31b. 8OZ. (1.6kg.) and the A.B.C. amended its laws accordingly-reverting to the original weight specified in force before 1926. The "maximum weight -per size" laws were eventually dispensed with in all countries, thus permitting the maximum weight of any size bowl to be 31b. 8OZ. (1.6kg.).)

By 1930 very few wooden bowls were seen on the greens in Australia, as rubber bowls, which were being constantly improved, had superseded them. They were being extensively used overseas, too, particularly in New Zealand and South Africa. At this time the Dunlop Rubber Co. made a decision that was indirectly and unintentionally designed to usher in a new era of bowls development. They decided to turn and finish, as well as mould, these rubber bowls in their own factory at Montague, Victoria. In all W. D. Hensell had turned and finished for them 13,750 sets of Dunlop bowls, and in addition many thousands of sets of all makes had been re-tested, re-conditioned, etc.

Consequently his arrangements with the Dunlop Co. were terminated. His reaction was to conceive the idea of developing and making an entirely new bowl, ultimately to be named "HENSELITE" .

For ten years, W. D. Hensell had been training his son, Ray, in the skilled art of bowl manufacturing, and it says a great deal for the courage and determination of father and son that the name of Hensell didn't become bowls history at this time.

They immediately became a two-man research team, working with the objective of producing a new bowl, incorporating improvements in design and performance, made of a composition superior to rubber, less affected by heat and climatic conditions. Ever foremost in their minds was the ambition that the new bowl must be solid throughout, without any core, wear-resistant, tough and durable. This was quite an objective- but the Hensells, it transpires, were capable of the task.

About this time the "Plastics Age" was gathering momentum, and the Hensells quickly learnt of a Sydney firm that had just started to manufacture a plastic material with the frightening name of Phenol formaldehyde moulding compound. Its properties were outstanding, and it promised to be the ideal material for which they were searching.

Initial inquiries were disappointing, as this material could only be moulded to a thickness of l/2'', whereas a solid moulding at least 5" in diameter and weighing 31/21bs (1.56kg) was required. Surely, they said, there must be some way to mould this material into bowls. Nobody could stop them that way! Someone had said much the same thing about rubber once.

Undaunted by early failures, they decided to continue experiments with the technical assistance of Dr. Lang, an authority on this type of plastic. New formulae and sample batches of material were made, different techniques tried and discarded. Eventually Dr. Lang perfected a special moulding compound, and from it the first solid one-piece plastic bowl was made-THE "HENSELITE" BOWL.

A new bowling era had commenced. History was made, not only in bowls manufacturing, but in the plastics industry, as manufacturers all over the world were astounded when the "Henselite" achievement became known. Even today it is believed that the plastic bowl is the largest solid mass of phenol formaldehyde compound moulded.

Plans were then prepared for the making of the intricate moulds and the installation of the necessary moulding plant to make the new bowls. Many difficulties and problems were encountered before it was possible to start manufacturing on a production basis. Perfection was eventually achieved, and in April, 1931, the first set of Henselite bowls was produced. When used on the green, they were acclaimed by everyone who tried them. It was obvious from this moment that the new bowl was outstanding in appearance and performance, and was superior in every respect to any other make of bowl.

At this time Australia was in the throes of a depression, and the name "Henselite" was new and almost unknown. Despite this, there was an immediate demand for these new bowls. They were available in black, mahogany and chocolate, with discs of several colours, making them most attractive.

The fame of "Henselite" rapidly grew. Top-line bowlers changed to "Henselite", and demonstrated their superiority by winning most of the important championships. Sales increased to such an extent that plant and production had to be enlarged to supply the demand.

Trial orders were sent to South Africa and the immediate reaction was astounding. Repeat orders soon followed. The demand for "Henselite" soon spread to the British Isles, New Zealand, Canada, U.S.A. and other countries. Regular shipments are now exported to the British Isles, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, United States, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, Japan, Fiji, Malaya, Kenya, New Guinea, Norfolk Island, South America, Israel and Holland. HENSELITE BOWLS PREDOMINATE IN EVERY COUNTRY WHERE BOWLS IS PLAYED.

More developments followed. Previously all bowls had inserted discs; these were liable to become loose, crack and fall out. In 1937 the "Henselite" Uni-Disc Bowl was introduced. This incorporated the discs as an integral part of the bowl. Engravings of initials or distinctive designs are engraved on the bowl and filled with lacquer of various colours. It was not long before this innovation was copied by other manufacturers.

In the same year the first "Henselite" all-white plastic jack was produced. Centreless ground to high precision, these jacks are perfectly round and have superseded the old china jack, which was irregular in shape, chipped easily and was generally unsatisfactory. The moulding of these jacks from Urea Formaldehyde moulding powder was in itself an outstanding achievement.

After having spent 45 years perfecting the art of bowl testing, and pioneering the manufacture of bowls, W. D. Hensell retired from active business in 1944. The responsibility of management and the designing of new plant and equipment of sufficient capacity to cope with the postwar demand for bowls fell heavily on the shoulders of R. W. Hensell. He had made and installed an entirely new moulding plant to be used in conjunction with a new process of electronic pre-heating requiring elaborate and complex equipment- and capable of high production.

A series of automatic high precision turning and biasing machines were also designed. When they were completed and installed, the production of bowls was resumed after the war years, on the 6th February, 1946. This new plant proved so successful that for the first time in the world it enabled the mass production of bowls more accurate than was ever before thought possible.

Mr. W. D. Hensell passed away at the age of 77 in August, 1959. The bowling world thus lost the services of a man responsible to a great degree for its growth and development. Prior to this R. W. Hensell's two sons became associated in the business, and the company of R. W. Hensell & Sons Pty. Ltd., was established.

In 1959 Ray Hensell again surprised the bowling fraternity by announcing a new "Henselite" Super Grip model. This was re-designed for improved performance, and as the result of new formulas, developed after extensive research, the moulding compound was impregnated with special additives to greatly improve the "grip", giving it a velvety "feel", particularly under wet and cold conditions. It also removes the necessity of frequent polishing. Now proved, this new model has been acclaimed as a further step forward in bowl perfection.

Constantly it has been a continuing story of more research, more plant, more production and more world-wide acclaim for a bowl that has given the game and its players such pleasure and satisfaction. Climatic conditions, types of grass and green surfaces vary considerably in different countries. Consequently, special models of bowls are made to suit these conditions. In New Zealand, for instance, the greens are undoubtedly the fastest in the world, and windy conditions are common. As a result, the New Zealand model bowls have a flatter crown, with slightly less bias than Australian bowls. South African greens were usually hard and bumpy, and a special heavyweight bowl is used to suit these conditions. In the British Isles, greens are invariably wet, soft and heavy. To get the best results a lightweight model bowl is used. All models comply with the respective regulations of each bowling country.

This study of overseas bowling conditions is a constant one, and many overseas trips have been made to study bowling conditions in different countries and to ensure maximum performances of every "Henselite" model.

Most bowlers will be staggered to learn that, in order to supply bowls suitable for the different conditions existing in various countries, a total of 678 models of "Henselites" are made in numerous sizes, bias, shapes, weights and colours- excluding the several thousand different engravings covering a multitude of categories and colourings.

Over recent years the game of Indoor Bowls, in various forms, has met with increasing popularity, and "Henselite" Indoor Bowls are again foremost in demand for playing this rapidly growing game. The range of bowls manufactured has been extended to provide miniature carpet bowls, round indoor bowls, biased indoor bowls, as well as the bowl jacks to suit each type of game.

The sales story has been a spectacular one. When World WarII started in 1939, annual sales had topped 4,000 sets. From 1942 to 1945 the whole plant was devoted to the war effort, and there was no production of bowls. After the war, new staff had to be completely trained, new modern plant was installed to allow potential production of 10,000 sets per annum. In 1946, 9,500 sets were produced. This production figure was well behind demand. With steady increase of plant and factory space, 15,000 sets were produced in 1947, and 20,000 in 1948. The story continues, with constant growth of the game itself, and expansion by R. W. Hensell & Sons Pty. Ltd. At the end of 1960, the production for the year exceeded 33,000 sets per annum. This, of course, is in lawn bowls only, and excluded the many thousands of sets of indoor types and jacks. More than 1,000,000 sets of "Henselite" bowls have now been produced using more than 6,500 tons of moulding compound, specially processed for the requirements of the various models of bowls.

The production figures are much higher than the output of all other bowl manufacturers in the world put together. To R. W. Hensell & Sons Pty. Ltd., must go the undisputed honour of being not only the largest manufacturer of bowls but of achieving the distinction of producing the world's best bowl.

Mr. R. W. Hensell retired from active business in 1976 and passed away at the age of 72 on 6th March, 1979.

A milestone in the history of "Henselite" bowls was celebrated on 13th March, 1980, when the 4,000,000th "Henselite" bowl (1 million sets) came through production. Now suitably mounted and proudly displayed, it perpetuates the hopes and fears, the toil and worry, the brilliance and the determination of the two men. William and Ray Hensell. It symbolises a game started by Sir Francis Drake or his contemporaries-something that has grown to be more than a game, more than a means of relaxation and pleasure. It represents a pursuit that has become a cement in the mixture of man and man-an influence towards peaceful co-existence between nations.

Australian industry regards "Henselite" with pride . . . they are setting a valuable example in exporting more than 50% of their production to 24 overseas countries-truly an excellent contribution to Australia's export trade for which the company received Australian Government "Awards for Outstanding Export Achievement" in 1963, 1972 and 1982.

An era was ushered in by William David Hensell and developed in the true Hensell fashion by Raymond William Hensell who brought precision into bowl manufacture to the ultimate of perfection.

There are two more Hensells, Bruce Raymond (Managing Director) and Graeme Westcott (Director) actively engaged in the business, now operating as Henselite (Australia) Pty. Ltd., and already in this "computer age", have brought automation and computerisation to bowls production and time will, no doubt, show us further new ideas they will develop. The Company expanded into the distribution of sporting goods in 1977 being exclusive Australian distributors for a wide range of products.

In November 1983 the Company purchased a manufacturing complex in Cumbernauld, Scotland, where it produces the range of Almark Lawn Bowls and Henselite Crown Green Bowls for the U.K. market.

What further contributions the fourth generation of Hensells, Alastair and Mark, who are now working in the company make to our wonderful traditional old game will be watched with interest.