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Friday, March 15, 2024

Who is the Greatest Lawn Bowler Ever?

A popular choice would be David Bryant.

What is interesting to me about this, is that from everything I have observed in my 12 years playing bowls in Canada, the USA, Portugal, Malaysia, and Australia I have never seen a single bowler who has modeled his/her delivery style after him. Neither have I ever found a book recommending his form or met a coach teaching his style.

The reason for this becomes apparent if you try to imitate. To achieve it would require you to have the skill of a gymnast!  

If you have never seen David Bryant bowl, there is a famous YouTube video of his world championship match against Chok at 

As you can see David Bryant squats on the mat to take his aim line. He then delivers his bowl not by lowering his body from an erect position but as he rises from his squat. He then takes a substantial step forward and releases his bowl substantially further ahead of this stepping foot. Then finally in his follow through he raises his anchor foot completely off but high above the mat! All these features seem to me to be unique.