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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Choking at Competitive Lawn Bowls

 Do you bowl your best when you have little chance to win or when you don’t care whether you win? Do you annoyingly bowl badly in competition- so much so that it isn’t enjoyable. I am one of those persons and for a long time, I was mystified why this happens. 

Then I was listening to a spirituality podcast with Anthony de Mello and he recited the words of the Chinese poet/mystic Zhuangzi:

When the archer shoots for nothing he has all his skill.

When he shoots for a brass buckle he is already nervous.

When he shoots for a prize of gold he goes blind;

Or sees two targets. He is out of his mind.

His skill has not changed, but the prize divides him.

He cares; he thinks more of winning than of shooting.

And the need to win drains him of power.

It seems one must compete until it doesn’t matter anymore!

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that I hardly think about Winning or loosing when I am ahead. Only when I am trailing I start getting thoughts about what next if I lost the match.But I think focusing only on next bowl is the key. Like in running-“one step at a time”


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