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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Bowls Shot You Can Only Make on Slow Greens

Suppose you want to set a blocker against a normal draw shot. The minimum length you must deliver a bowl is 14 meters measured from the center front of the mat to the bowls location. The closer an intended blocker is to that 14 meters the more space it effectively protects; therefore, you most preferably want to deliver a block shot the minimum distance but still in the normal path of the opponent’s anticipated shot. At the same time, you do not want to risk sending your intended blocker out of bounds.

When the mat is set at two meters from the back ditch on a fast green you probably need an aim point at least as wide as the number on the adjacent rink, then  the optimal position for a blocker is very close to the side boundary and so it is too risky to attempt. (See the red line in the picture.)

In contrast, when the mat is set at two meters from the back ditch on a slow green where you need to choose an aim point no wider than the front side boundary marker, then there is little risk in delivering a bowl that is about 14 meters out and still in the path of your opponent’s anticipated draw shot (the green line).

This consideration does not apply to defending heavier run-through shots or drives. Because these aggressive shots are delivered with much narrower lines there is much less risk in setting short blockers against them. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting analysis. I rarely see block shots in the games I've been playing and I've never seen a short block - despite the clear advantage in terms of real estate blocked. This might explain that (I had assumed it was a point of etiquette).


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