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Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Theme and Content of the Greenbowler Blog

This blog is about the sport of lawn bowling.

It is called ’The Greenbowler’ not just because the game is played on a lawn or even any other flat green surface, natural or synthetic, but because the author starting this blog is green (in 2012); that is a novice, just trying to learn the game. I am not a teacher. I am a pupil; a retired adult learner who has been lawn bowling just one Canadian season at the time of first writing. Yes, I am a Canadian also. Not from any place you would expect a lawn bowling enthusiast to hail from, such as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, or South Africa, but hockey-crazy Canada. Actually, Canada’s national game is lacrosse!

There is plenty of coaching advice on the web if you look for it.  This is more of a journal recording my observations about what I am learning. What works for me; what seems to work but actually fails; the points that give better results if I concentrate on them. As has been written by many coaches, “The novice's mind is always busy.” There are too many things to think about at one time.

I hope you get something out of it, mention it to bowling friends, and contribute to the comments. Your experience is just as valuable as mine.


  1. Writing five years later, the disappointment I have with writing this blog is how few readers make any comment. As I say above and still say today your experience is just as valuable as mine and your comment s may be just what some other bowler needs to confirm his/her own experience and cement a new habit.

  2. Hi sir, I just chanced upon your blog while searching for information about bowls review. Like yourself, I am also left-handed and your insights are a godsend as I just got into playing bowls about 2 months ago. Thanks for consistently maintaining this site over the years and I look forward to reading more in the future! :)


Please share your own insights and experience.