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Saturday, June 25, 2022

What You Should Note about Lawn Bowling Conditions/Opponents


The Rink

Is the rink level towards the ditches or does it slope?

Is the grass higher at the edges or are there metal or wooden edges elevated above the grass?

Are there seriously uneven unplayable spots on the rink?

Is the rink an end rink?

What is the actual length of the rink (rinks may vary in length within limits)?

Does the surface comprise visual marks that can be used as stare points and where are they? Where would the mat have to be placed to use them?

If the surface is not natural grass, are there elevated seams in the carpet?

What is the wind condition? (cross-wind, head-wind, up and down gusts)

What is the precipitation condition?


Left or right handed?

Types of bowls (narrow or wide bias)?

Bowling arms?

Preferred hand or preferred side of rink odd and even ends when given a choice?

What jack length does opposing skip ask for?

Does the lead choose a hand and stick to it or bowl around the clock?

Does an opposing bowl in the draw cause a change of hand?

Does an opposing bowler change foot position on the mat?

When down does the oposition drive or draw?

Opponent’s Style

Do the opposing bowlers each have a pre-delivery routine? Or does it vary? (Would handing them their bowls or chatting upset their routine?)

Do the opposing bowlers play slowly or quickly?

Where do opposing bowlers sight for their bias?

Are any of them very tall or have athletic postures? (short bowls may give them difficulty)

Are any of them very short or crouch low? (long jacks may be more difficult)

Do any lose their balance? (longer jacks or very short jacks)

No step? (longer jacks can be tiring)

Palm grip? (longer jacks can be tiring)


  1. Some amazing things I had never before considered.

  2. Good points to consider


Please share your own insights and experience.